Signs that it’s time to let go

Signs that it’s time to let go

Busy work days, family problems… Wondering if it’s time for you to take a break? Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make you feel the need to slow down. Zoom in on those little things that let us know it’s time to let go. Stress, a symptom to...
Letting Go

Letting Go

In all areas of our lives, when we don’t get what we want, when we want it and how we want it, then we are not happy and this can easily become a source of stress and anxiety. It’s in these moments that you have to let go. However, letting go is not always...
The stages of grief

The stages of grief

What is grief? Grief is the breaking of the emotional bond with the loved one. This de facto leads to the healing process of the cut link. This is what the grieving process is all about. It is an incredible intelligence that knows exactly how to proceed in order to...
Our drinking habits

Our drinking habits

When social connections and travel are not allowed due to a pandemic or limited, and fears for the future begin to build, many people may unconsciously turn to alcohol for a sense of temporary relief or escape during this difficult time. But when the days turn into...
What is happening at CSMQ?

What is happening at CSMQ?

Mental Health – for CSMQ, it is priceless… That’s why CSMQ decided to create a blog and share information that will help you to help yourself. A healthy body in a healthy mind… Everything, but really EVERYTHING in our lives depends on our...